Education Overview and Community Inclusion 2013 – 2024

by | Aug 28, 2024 | Community & Educational Events, Informative

Wombat burrow under Steam Train Track.

Tania Clancy is the principal and backbone of Womba7sed Incorporated – Director, Founder and Public Officer. Tania first
started caring for na7ve animals in the late 1970s and teaching began in the early 1980s.

Educa7on is about community. Tania has always loved animals and rumour has it that she was a wombat in a previous life.
A talented ar7st and photographer Tania taught high school art from 1984 to 2012. Wherever she was, people would
bring her animals in need, from baby alpacas to kangaroos and wombats. Tania had the reputa7on of being an ‘animal